Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT):
QHHT® is an amazing journey of consciousness.
Clients are gently and safely guided to connect with their higher selves, where they are able to find all the answers to their heart’s questions and receive powerful healings if appropriate.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)®is a powerful technique which assists us to understand more of who we truly are. This type of hypnosis was created by Dolores Cannon who spend over 45 years practising and refining the technique to be the incredibly powerful and safe method it is today. It is used to facilitate spiritual, emotional, mental and physical wellness.
People may better understand the term “past-life regression”, and that is exactly how Dolores started, with the exploration of past lives and in doing so gaining incredible information. Today with the expansion of human consciousness, and people becoming far more aware, there is more than just past lives to experience. Every session is unique to the individual and has specific relevance to any healing or information they are requesting for this lifetime. The client will go to the most appropriate time and place, where they have been guided by their higher self.
Have no expectations and the session will unfold beautifully. It will be an adventure for both of us.
Physical illnesses are our body trying to tell us something, our own personal GPS system. We simply have not been listening to the messages from our higher selves, so it will manifest in our body as an ache, pain or further down the track a serious illness. The client is very easily guided in to the relaxing state of Theta which we all experience twice a day, moments before we fall asleep and the moments before we wake up. Everyone can so easily move into this relaxing state. Once the client connects with their higher self and receive the message, healing is able to take place. Due to the fact that we all have free will it is up to us as to whether we listen to the guidance we have received and continue with the healing, or slip back into our old ways. It is our choice.
Other reasons for illnesses manifesting in this lifetime may be issues from past lives that have come through into this lifetime, karmic reasons, or vows that were taken in past lives that are affecting or blocking this lifetime. All of these are able to be healed and released within a session.
Remember I am simply the facilitator. You are the true healer of yourself and with the love and guidance from your higher self nothing is impossible.
Each session lasts between 4 – 7 hours, I hold space for the whole day as each session is perfect and will take as long as is required for you personally.
Cost $380.00
I would be honoured to facilitate one of these life changing sessions of QHHT® for you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Our Other Healings

First Light® Flower Essences of New Zealand
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Email: traceydevcich@gmail.com