First Light® Flower Essences of New Zealand
30First Light® flower essences are pure vibrational medicine made from the remarkable native plants of New Zealand.
This means they work at a vibrational/energetic level and are able to address the vibration or underlying issues that cause a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual problem.
The way they were created, in accordance with sacred protocols, ensures the full power and healing from the plant has been captured within each specific essence to ensuring the highest possible vibrational level of healing.
Everything is energy, we are energy and for us to be holistically well we need to have balance and harmony within our energetic being.
To fully heal we need to restore to wholeness. When working with the First Light® flower essence range No.s 1-84 we are working with all aspects of our being. Personality, aura, chakra’s, DNA and soul. Each aspect of our being has a corresponding family of essences which makes up the the totally integrated and natural holistic system to create powerful healing.
– The First Light® Flower essences focus on the PERSONALITY to transform negative disharmonious attitudes, emotions, mindsets, responses and moods which may eventually cause disease, into their natural harmonious state. If disharmonious thoughts or emotions are held for any length of time in the body, sooner or later they will manifest into the physical as aches, pains or disease.
– The First Light® Fern essences focus on the AURA to clear, cleanse and gently wash away any negative energy imprints or traumas that may have lodged in any or one of the seven layers of the aura. This enables each of the 7 layers of the aura to function in their natural healthy manner. Our aura is our first line of defence so it is important to be functioning well.
– The First Light® Tree essences focus on the CHAKRAS or the metaphysical energy centers of the body. The state of our chakras determines our quality of life. Individual chakras can become imbalanced, blocked or energetically impacted. These imbalances can be expressed as anxieties in life. The have an influence on all of our body organs, ductless glands and the endocrine system The tree essences help to balance strengthen and protect the chakras to their original state.
– The First Light® Seed essences focuses on the metaphysical layers of our DNA. They work to restore the divine blueprint or energetic patterns of right living at a DNA level. They can help to release us from powerful core negative beliefs that have blocked or limited us from who we truly are.
– The First Light® Plant essences focus on the soul which is here to learn and evolve. Throughout life we encounter many challenges, trial and initiations which when worked through effectively enable us to progress and emerge more empowered and whole.
In these times we are living in, we are constantly being bombarded with discordant energies whether we are aware of it or not from many avenues, which have a major impact on our wellbeing eg chemicals in our food, water and air, auditory and visual pollution, surrounded by technology in our day to day lives 24 hour global business and so much more. This has a huge impact on our subtle energetic bodies and the dis-ease we feel, if not remedied can result in disease. First Light® flower essences work to balance and harmonise these discordant energies within our being so we are able to enjoy life to our fullest potential. Many people today are suffering from anxiety or depression which has a direct correlation to dis-harmonious energies.
You know the feeling when you spend time in nature either maybe as a bush walk or swimming in the ocean very calming but also energising. These beautiful balanced energies you feel from nature are the harmonious balancing energies that you receive when you ingest a FLFE® flower essence blend plus so much more.
Children today are far more sensitive to these discordant energies that are constantly surrounding us, so a flower essence blend is a wonderful way to support our children. They are safe for all ages and also work well with animals.
First Light® flower essences are able to assist us in all aspect of our life that we may be struggling with.
What a blessing to be able to live life from a place of harmony and balance, a precious gift indeed in these stressful times.
I am a registered First Light® flower essence practitioner and would love to assist you on your healing journey.
I offer personal 1:1 or zoom consultations.
Fees: $75 consultation including one essence blend then each bottle thereafter within the consultation is $30
Blends last between 4-6 weeks.
If you are happy with the blend prescribed and request a repeat the cost is $30.
Often 2 months worth of treatment is advised but I am happy to chat along your healing journey as things may change within a 4-6 week time frame. We are all so different and unique which makes these beautiful essences so magical as the blends are specific to you as an individual.
Look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
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